Daycare and education
picture / day care
Services / Daycare and schools
Day care and education
Day care and pre-primary education
All children under school-age who are permanently resident in Finland have a subjective right to early childhood education and care.
The main form of this subjective right is day care organised in day care centres and in family day care. Participation is subject to a fee which depends on the family's income and number of children.
Pre-primary education is the systematic education and instruction provided in the year preceding the start of what is currently compulsory education. Pre-primary education will be compulsory from August 2015. Providing a place in pre-primary education free of charge for all children is a statutory duty of municipalities. Pre-primary education is organised in day care centres in Nurmes.
Comprehensive School
School attendance is mandatory for children permanently resident in Finland. Compulsory schooling begins in the year when the child reaches the age of seven and concludes when comprehensive school training has been completed or ten years have elapsed. The child's guardian is responsible for ensuring that the compulsory school requirement is satisfied.
For more information on day care, pre-primary education and comprehensive school in Nurmes, please contact the Director of Education, Mr Petri Moilanen, tel. +358 40 104 5101 (
Studying in Nurmes
After finishing comprehensive school, 16–19-year-olds can choose between senior secondary school or vocational school in Nurmes.
Senior secondary school
Senior secondary school of Nurmes, Nurmeksen Lukio
Nurmeksen Lukio
Koulukatu 1
75500 NURMES
Principal Mr Timo Karppinen, tel. +358 40 104 5171 (
Vocational training
The North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium is responsible for vocational training in the region. Read more